Investment Loans (DSCR PROGRAM) (800) 881 - 2530

Investment Loans for Rental Properties
(DSCR Program)!

"All The Cash You Need to Build your Rental Property Portfolio."

Qualify based on The Properties Rent Amount...

Not your income or tax returns!

Find The Lowest Rate From Our Database of 120+ Lenders!

Almost Done!

We Find You The Lowest Rate!

Fast Closings

Easy Process & We Do All Work

Limited Documentation Needed

No Income Verification or Tax Returns Needed

Purchase, Flip, or Cash Out

Top DSCR Lender Pick for 2024

We Find You The Lowest Rate Possible!

How? We input your loan scenario into our database that accesses the lowest rate of up to 120+ wholesale funding sources!

We shop for you... So you don't have to!

  • DSCR Purchase and Cash Out Options

  • Short / Long Term Rentals & Fix and Flips

  • Exclusive Financing Programs for Investors

  • Same Day Income & Credit Approval

  • No Tax Returns Required!

  • No Personal Income Needed!

(800) 881 - 2530

DSCR Loans We've Funding Recently

Here are a few of the loans that closed recently!

Fort Landerdale, FL

Loan Amount:


DSCR: Purchase

San Antonio, TX

Loan Amount:


DSCR: Refinance

Gunnison, CO

Loan Amount:


DSCR: Purchase

What's the max LTV you can lend on for an investment property?

The MAX LTV 80% on purchase and 80% on refinance (75% on Cashout)depending on your credit score. The higher your score the better the terms!

What's the minimum score I need to work with you?

660 Minimum but as your score goes up the rates get better.

What kind of properties do you finance?

Single-Family, Townhomes, Condo's / Condotels, 2-4 Units, Multifamily 5-8 Units

What documents do I need to provide to qualify?

We have a lite documents program! We qualify you based on the rent, credit score, & reserves.

What is the minimum DSCR?

We can go as low as 0.8 on purchases, and 1.0 on refinance.

Do you only do purchase? Or refinance as well?

We can do purchases, fix and flips, refinances, cash out refinances, whatever your goals are… We have a product or program for it.

What's the minimum loan amount you can work with?

Minimum loan amount we can work with is $250,000.

What's the max loan amount you can do?

The maximum loan amount on DSCR is $3,000,000

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